Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Homeless Extras

Monday, 5 June 2017

Dear family and friends,

She is progressing rapidly and she is coming closer to the Savior! I love seeing her dedication to the Lord. Yesterday, she sent us a text telling us that "the devil isn't gonna win" and she was stronger than him through the Lord! She is so faithful and I've seen her grow as she's been learning more and applying what she learns. And she told us the other day that her husband, Angel, is loving the lessons! He is normally super shy and silent during the lessons, so we had been worried that he wasn't interested, but she told us recently that after we leave, he talks her ear off about the lessons and he is always so excited! :)

Life is good, God is good!

Speaking of which. God sent us a tender mercy on Saturday! :D
Most of y'all know how much I love theatre. It is a big passion of mine! And GUESS WHAT?!

We were doing service at Bridging the Gap (a soup kitchen and humanitarian aid center), and suddenly noticed some cameras... And then found ourselves being filmed for a movie! The actors jumped in and started "helping" us hand out food. When we finished with our service for the day, they asked us if we would like to be extras! So guess what? We're famous! ;)

The short movie is called "The Dollar Bill Theory" and it is going to be sent in for a competition! We played the roles of homeless people, and people in a cancer walk. It. Was. Epic! :D

And two cool things from it! We still got to wear our name tags during the cancer walk scene! And we had opportunities to share the gospel with some of the actors! :)

Evidence included below. :)

So, great week! God is good! He's been sending us so many miracles! :)

Keep smiling!

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